Climate Change - How Fast?

Different kinds of climate change happen fast or not so fast

How fast is fast?

  • Day to Day? No
  • Month to Month? Yes, but not easily noticed.
  • Year to Year? Oh, yes. But you have to look at averages, not just two specific consecutive years.
  • Decade to Decade? The earth is currently going down the drain to a different environment.
  • What's changing and how fast and why so fast or slow?

    The Average Temperature of the Entire Earth

  • Did you notice? Growing seasons lengthen, Growing zones move north, Southerners stay air conditioned inside in summer, and on and on.
  • A tiny bit each year goes a long way....
  • More

    Oceans Acidify and Warm

  • Coral reefs die and shells have a harder time forming.
  • All kinds of ocean life changes.
  • More

    CO2 Rise

  • CO2 change is not a day by day change, but it's increasing, and fast.
  • CO2 Emissions

    Weather Extremes

  • This is what you notices first - because it never happened before/you didn't remember it happening this often!
  • Storms/Hurricanes/Cyclones/Tornados
  • Droughts
  • Heat Waves
  • Monster Wind and Rain
  • Flooding
  • More


  • Is climate change unstable in some way that causes even more severe or faster effects? How could climate change speed up - and fast? Good articles on tipping points:



    Last updated: October 2021