What is AIR?
The air around our earth protects us from damaging UV light - what sunburns you. Without the air the UV light would do a lot worse than sunburn you.
The ozone "hole" is a a region in the upper atmosphere of exceptionally depleted ozone. Ozone (O3) is transformed oxygen (O2) that efficiently absorbs UV light.
How do we know there is an ozone hole? We can measure the UV light getting to the surface under the hole or we can stand there in the sunlight and get fried.
What caused the ozone hole? CFC's - a very specific chemical used mostly in air conditioning.
How did we figure out that CFC's were the problem?
We could measure them in the ozone hole and measure in a lab how good they were at destroying ozone.
How were we finally certain that CFC's were the problem? They were banned, how much there was in the air decreased, and the ozone hole healed.
Why does this matter for investigating climate change? Now we know for certain that a little bit of gas can make a big difference in the air around the earth and how it affects us.
How much CFC's are we talking about? 1 CFC in 1 billion air molecules. Not much.
Did the air conditioner industry claim this research was wrong? You bet!
Does air absorb sunlight?
What part of air does air absorb sunlight?
How do we know these gases absorb light (which is heat)?
Doesn't this light/heat get absorbed by the ground anyhow?
How much light/heat do the various gases absorb?
Where do these gases come from?
How much do people put out?
How much is that?
Email: thought@thoughtventions.com
Email: thought@thoughtventions.com
Last updated: September 2020