How does climate Change affect ME?
Effects are sometimes monthly, more ofter yearly or longer - you might not notice day-by-day: look at your memory scrapbook
Through the Water
- Effects of Warming
- Sea levels rise (heated water expands, melting ice adds)
- Shorline erosion; loss of coastal land and wetlands
- Coastal flooding - more often, higher, people move from the coastline, hurricanes damage more coasts
- Salt poisoning inland waterExpands water, causes
- elimination of flood insurance
- Changes range of species (lobster move north, etc.); drive some species to extinctions
- Kills coral reefs (Great Barrier reef, Australia)
- Acidifying (oceans absorb a lot of CO2 - the absorption is a reaction that creates acid)
- Examples:
- Articles: New York Times Louisiana section 24Feb18, Everglades (ScienceNews 18Aug18 p.19),
Through the Air
Temperature Changes
- Average Warming - too hot to live? Summers must be spent inside with air conditioning - if you're not poor...
Weather Changes
- More variable
- Causes: Heating of land and atmosphere drives storms northward, provides more energy
- Effects: More frequent storms, more extreme
- Data: [In progress]
- More extreme
- Causes: More heat in the air and water drives more storms and more extreme storms
- Effects: Significant increase in weather deaths, large economic losses
- Data: [In progress]
- Hurricanes
- Tornados
- Droughts
- Flooding - Multiple "100 year" and "500 year" floods in a 10 year span
On Land
- Causes:
- Major changes in rainfall patterns and frequency
- Heat dries up lakes and plants
- Effects:
- Depopulation
- Fires
- California fires now year-round, much more intense - 2020!!! NYT 28Jul18 p.A10
- Greece, Jul18
Excessive Heat
- Heat wave deaths (Google it!)
- City heat islands (NYT 28Jul18)
My Health!
- Lung Disease
- Effects: Lung cancer, emphysema
- Causes:
Air Pollution
- Heat caused - ozone and related on hot days
- Car caused - diesel particulates, NOx
- Thermal inversions capture pollution locally
- Fire caused pollution
- General Health - Heat and Extreme Weather Stress!
- Effects:
Lowered resistance to disease
- Poor people bear by far the greatest burden - no way to adapt
Last updated: October 2021