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II-VI Inc., Saxonburg, PA, - Getter Furnace - Vacuum Furnace that eliminates specific gases from an ultra high vacuum environment through a heated gettering material.
Tyndall Institute UCC, Cork, Ireland
Blue Square Energy, North East, MD - 2-Zone Silicon Refining Furnace operating at 1500°C.
CINVESTAV-IPN, Col.San Pedro Zacatenco, Mexico DF - 1200°C Vacuum/Gas Furnace fitted to conflat flanges, designed for high vacuum operation.
Clemson University, Clemson, SC - Oil Quench Furnace - Quickly drops a vertically suspended sample heated to up to 1800°C in a tube furnace, down into a oil quench bath.
Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada - High Temperature Inert Gas Imaging Furnace - Provides imaging access to an inert gas environment up to 1450°C through a sapphire tube. The furnace gas isolation tube is made from a alumina/sapphire tube sandwich. Also shown is the sample holder tube and airlock apparatus at the top.
DOE/NETL, Morgantown, WV
JSC "Svetlana-Optoelectronica," Saint-Petersburg, Russia - High Temperature Tube Furnace for treating materials under special gas atmospheres.
MTI Corp., Richmond, CA - 2000°C metal hot zone furnace.
NASA Kennedy Space Center, Orlando, FL - 1500°C Vacuum/Inert Gas Furnace.
Syracuse Orthopedic, Syracuse, NY - Used Metal Hot Zone Furnace operating to 2000°C. The unique aspect of this apparatus is its self contained cooling system - no external cooling water required!
University of Texas Austin, Austin, TX - 1600°C Vacuum/Inert Gas Furnace.
University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia - High Vacuum 1600°C Furnace
II-VI Inc., Saxonburg, PA, - Getter Furnace - Vacuum Furnace that eliminates specific gases from an ultra high vacuum environment through a heated gettering material.
Clemson University, Clemson, SC - Oil Quench High Temperature Furnace - Drops a vertically suspended sample heated up to 1800°C in a tube furnace, down into an oil quench bath.
INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico, Catania, Italy - 1500°C Vacuum Pedestal Furnace
National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Laboratory of Laser Photochemistry, Bucharest, Romania - High Vacuum, 1200°C Furnace System.
Total Friction Management LLC, Violaw, ID - 1600°C Vacuum Furnace
Coolescence, LLC, Boulder, CO - Basic 1200°C Vacuum Tube Furnace fitted to KF50 standard vacuum flanges.
Detector Electronics Corporation, Bloomington, MN - 2-zone, 1000°C alumina Tube Furnace operating under vacuum or any gas with an insulated Trolley to move parts into the furnace and between zones.
Etalim, Inc., Vancouver, BC, Canada - 1200°C vacuum tube furnace.
International Atomic Energy Agency, Culham, England - Double walled 1200°C Vacuum/Gas Furnace to treat radioactive gases.
Walter Schottky Institute, Garching, Germany - Vacuum/Gas Furnace with air lock for heat treating materials in toxic gases.
II-VI Inc., Saxonburg, PA, - Getter Furnace - Vacuum Furnace that eliminates specific gases from an ultra high vacuum environment through a heated gettering material.
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Visualization Furnace
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL - High Vacuum 450°C Viewport.
CardioMEMS Inc., Atlanta, GA
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
Core Laboratories, Houston, TX
Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, Mexico City, Mexico
Ion Heat Inc., Rionegro Antioquia
ITT, Roanoke, Va
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
National Commission of Atomic Energy, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Low cost vacuum sapphire viewports.
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
University of California Davis, Davis, CA
University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Radyne Corp., Milwaukee, WI - Gold coated Visualization Vacuum Chamber for induction heating tests.
Stabro Laboratories, Hill AFB, UT - General purpose diffusion pumped Vacuum Station.
Lohnstar Optics Inc., Escondido, CA
Bionetics Corp., Clearfield, UT - diffusion pump refurbishment.
Etalim, Inc., Vancouver, BC, Canada - diffusion pump system associated with their furnace.
Materion, Inc., Buffalo, NY - vacuum adapter and components for a tube furnace.
Rainbow Technology Corp., Taoyuan County 330, Taiwan - vacuum sealed molybdenum crucible
SUNY-Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY - refurbished dead high temperature vacuum furnace for use.
University of Paris, Paris, France - assembled 1000°C high vacuum cesium optical cell and vacuum system.
Numerous vacuum system components for rough pumped low vacuum and diffusion pumped high vacuum systems
Last updated: April 2023