40 Nutmeg Lane
Glastonbury, CT 06033
Tel: (860) 657-9014
Email: thought@Thoughtventions.com
Thoughtventions’s High Temperature Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Furnace consists of an O-ring sealed, water cooled pressure vacuum vessel with a centrally located graphite hot zone. The hot zone is fabricated from graphite using silicon carbide and alumina insulation. Stable, programmable, temperature control is provided by a digital process controller.
Work Volume: Deposition on supported Silicon Carbide substrate maximum 210 mm diameter.
Maximum Operating Temperature: 1700°C
Nominal Operating Pressure: 1 kPa
Maximum Ramp Rates: Heating Rate: 20°C/min max. low temperature, 10°C/min max. over
1000°C, 5°C/min max. over 1500°C.
Natural Cooling Rate: Strongly temperature/pressure dependent.
Operating Atmosphere: Silane/Hydrogen/Argon.
Last updated: April 2020