40 Nutmeg Lane
Glastonbury, CT 06033
Tel: (860) 657-9014

Email: thought@Thoughtventions.com


Thoughtventions Silicon Carbide Chemical Vapor Deposition Furnace

Silicon Carbide Chemical Vapor Deposition Furnace Silicon Carbide Chemical Vapor Deposition Furnace diagram

Thoughtventions’s High Temperature Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) Furnace consists of an O-ring sealed, water cooled pressure vacuum vessel with a centrally located graphite hot zone. The hot zone is fabricated from graphite using silicon carbide and alumina insulation. Stable, programmable, temperature control is provided by a digital process controller.

Work Volume: Deposition on supported Silicon Carbide substrate maximum 210 mm diameter.
Maximum Operating Temperature: 1700°C
Nominal Operating Pressure: 1 kPa
Maximum Ramp Rates: Heating Rate: 20°C/min max. low temperature, 10°C/min max. over 1000°C, 5°C/min max. over 1500°C.
Natural Cooling Rate: Strongly temperature/pressure dependent.

Operating Atmosphere: Silane/Hydrogen/Argon.


Last updated: April 2020