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Cryostabilized Propellant Research


This is an ongoing, labor intensive work, please be patient for links and updates.  E-mail thought@Thoughtventions.com with questions.

  1. S. C. Bates, "Prototype Cryogenic Solid Hydrogen Storage and Pellet Injection System," SBIR Phase I Final Report, USAF Phillips Lab Contract F04611-93-C-0086, Report #PL-TR-94-3015, (1994).
  2. S. C. Bates, "Discrete Injection and Storage of Solid Oxygen," SBIR Phase I Final Report, USAF Phillips Lab Contract F29601-92-C-0094, Report # PL-TR-93-3013, (1993).
  3. S.C. Bates, "Assessment of Solid Hydrogen Slurry Fuelling for an Airbreathing Supersonic Combustor," J. Propulsion and Power, 20, 5, # (2004).
  4. S.C. Bates, "A Novel Binder for Reactive Metal Injection Molding," SBIR Final Report, NSF Grant #9760106, (1998).
  5. S.C. Bates, "Cryostabilized Propellant Additives," AIAA-2003-5213, 1 (2003).
  6. S.C. Bates, "Techniques in Cryostabilized Additive Concentration," AIAA Paper 2004-4038, July, 1 (2004).
  7. J. van Kranendonk, Solid Hydrogen, Plenum Press, New York, NY, (1983).
  8. I. F. Silvera, "The solid molecular hydrogens in the condensed phase:Fundamentals and static properties.," Rev. of Mod. Phys., 522, 2, Part 1, 393 (1980).
  9. R. B. Scott, Cryogenic Engineering, Met-Chem Research, Boulder, CO, (1959).
  10. D.D. Konowalow, "Interacting Correlated Fragments Treatment of Lin-H2 van der Waals Interaction," Proc. HEDM Conf, M.E. Cordonnier, Ed., AF Phillips Lab Report PL-CP--91-3003, Oct., 197 (1991).
  11. V. Manzhelii, private communication (1998).
  12. S. C. Bates, "Prototype Cryogenic Solid Hydrogen Storage and Pellet Injection System," SBIR Phase I Final Report, USAF Phillips Lab Contract # F04611-93-C-0086, Report # PL-TR-94-3015, (1994).
  13. H. M. Roder, G. E. Childs, R.D. McCarty and P.E. Angerhofer, "Survey of the Properties of the Hydrogen Isotypes Below Their Critical Temperature," NBS Technical Note 641, (1973).
  14. Physics of Cryocrystals, V. G. Manzhelii and Y. A. Freiman, Eds., Amer. Inst. of Physics, Woodbury, NY, (1996).
  15. J.W. Wilson, J. Miller, A. Konradi, and F.A. Cucinotta, "Shielding Strategies for Human Space Exploration," NASA Conference Publication 3360, (1997).
  16. E.J. Daly, "The Evaluation of Space Radiation Environments for ESA Projects," ESA Journal, 12, 299 (1988).
  17. W.N. Hess, The Radiation Belt and the Magnetosphere, Blaisdell Publ. Co., ., (1988).
  18. S.C. Bates and T.L. Altshuler, "Shear Strength Testing of Solid Oxygen," Cryogenics, 35, 559 (1995).
  19. J.W. Wilson, F.A. Cucinotta, and W. Schimmerling, "Emerging Radiation Health-Risk Mitigation Technologies," AIP Conf. Proceedings, 699, 913 (2004).
  20. W.H. Kohl Ed., Handbook of Materials and Techniques for Vacuum Devices, Reinhold Publishing Co., New York, NY, (1968).
  21. W.L. Wolfe and and G.J. Zissis Eds., The Infrared Handbook, Environmental Rsch Inst. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, (1993).

Please e-mail Steve Bates at thought@Thoughtventions.com to discuss this research.


Last updated: July 2015